How to get and complete the “A Fontainian Message” quest in Genshin Impact

30 aug 2023 at 19:51

This quest is a continuation of "Traces of the Tide." Read below about how to obtain an easy 30 Primogems and the achievement "Fontainian Message".

How to Get the Quest "a Fontainian Message" in Genshin Impact

You don't have to wait for the appearance of the "Message" as Sonny and Luca are available for conversation without interruption between quests. You can meet them by coming to the location shown in the photo after completing "Traces of the Tide." You won't miss the man near the Statue of the Archons in a white tuxedo with a blue exclamation mark above his head.

How to Complete the Quest "a Fontainian Message"

After the dialogue, you will be asked to go to the cave with the sunken ship. Teleportation or a heroic swim - you will have to reach the tunnel passage either way.

Slightly below, there's a water current, so the path to the destination will be swift. Once again, experience a mini-cutscene summarizing what's happening and proceed to fight the emerging enemies. Both companions accompany you in the confrontation, so everything will go smoothly without any effort on your part.

After the battle with the perpetrator of the celebration himself. Virgil will also appear easy to you (mainly because paradoxically, his target often focuses on Sonny and Luca).

A brief dialogue and rewards (30 Primogems, 200 Adventure EXP, 15,000 Mora, 2 Hero's Wit) along with the achievement "Fontaine Message" in the inventory and catalog, respectively. Also at your disposal is a treasure-rich chest beneath the ship, an Oculus above the deck, and a dog on the shore. Animal lovers receive an additional bonus in the form of feeding it (free of charge).

Sincerely hope the article helped!

Author: Niysha

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