Five Best Team Compositions for Eula in Genshin Impact: Who to Put in the Character's Squad

18 may 2021 at 20:22

On May 18th, Genshin Impact introduced a new character, a powerful 5-star Cryo user and Claymore wielder - Eula. You can use her in various team compositions, but you should focus on enhancing her physical damage. 

In this guide, we will discuss which characters to pair with Eula in Genshin Impact. Let's go! 

5 Best Team Compositions for Eula in Genshin Impact

Eula is a character in Genshin Impact who heavily relies on her support to maintain high damage output. Your primary focus should be on maximizing her damage potential. 

Here are the 5 best team compositions for Eula in Genshin Impact:

#5: Xingqiu, Xiangling, Bennett

This team setup aims to keep enemies frozen through the excellent synergy of Xingqiu and Xiangling. While Eula frequently exposes enemies with her Claymore attacks, the ability to immobilize them for extended periods by freezing is invaluable and greatly aids the DPS role.

Bennett provides his usual insane healing and damage buffs, allowing the team to keep pushing through everything in their path. This is a budget team as none of these characters require significant investment to perform their roles. They simply need to be on the field to activate their buffs before switching back to Eula. 

This setup complements Eula well, shattering frozen enemies with her mighty weapon.

#4: Rosaria, Zhongli, Fischl

Players can leverage various buffs and debuffs in Genshin Impact, and this team takes advantage of some of them, allowing Eula to deal massive damage to enemies. Fischl provides you with the Superconduct reaction, which reduces enemies' physical resistance by 40%, a huge boost for our main physical DPS, Eula.

Zhongli's shield further reduces these resistances. Altogether, it reduces physical resistance by 60%, enabling Eula to effortlessly break through enemies. Rosaria also provides Eula with additional energy and critical hit chance through her passive talent, Shadow Samaritan. 

You can use this team composition to greatly weaken enemies, enabling the main DPS to deal maximum damage.

#3: Sucrose, Xinyan, Lisa

This team is geared towards players who enjoy triggering elemental reactions with high elemental mastery. Xinyan allows Eula to create Melt reactions with her Pyronado, while Lisa consistently activates Superconduct with her Elemental Burst.

You can use Sucrose to gain her Elemental Mastery buffs and her ability to group enemies, making it easier to hit them. Although this team composition may not deal the highest damage, it is still very effective and beneficial for players.

#2: Xinyan, Xiangling, Beidou

The aforementioned characters are featured on Eula's banner, and they fit perfectly into her team. The buffs and abilities of all the characters complement each other excellently. If you managed to acquire and obtain these characters, you can definitely give this team setup a try!

#1: Fischl, Diona, Beidou

This team fills the gaps in Eula's kit in Genshin Impact, particularly her poor energy regeneration. With double Electro and another Cryo character with a low cooldown ability, players will be able to generate a ton of energy for Eula's Burst.

This squad also provides excellent Superconduct, thanks to Fischl's Electro element and Beidou. Additionally, Diona provides shields and healing for the team, supporting Eula's health and readiness for battle. This is definitely one of the strongest Eula teams in Genshin Impact.

Author: Niysha

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