Plum Blossoms Update 2.4 Genshin Impact: Return of the Jade Palace

7 dec 2021 at 22:06

Обновление 2.4 принесет нам реран фестеваля Фонарей, который в свою очередь является одним из самых масштабных праздников в игре как по количеству квестов, так и по получаемым наградам. В этой статье мы расскажем о том, when to expect the revival of the Jade Palace in Genshin Impact. Let's go!

Rerun of the Jade Palace in 2.4

When to expect the revival of the Jade Palace?

One of the reliable leakers under the nickname Waffel recently posted screenshots of Yun Cang and Shen He in a house with a magnificent view that very much resembles the Jade Palace. Here are these screenshots:

Based on the screenshots posted above, it can be assumed that we are indeed expecting the Palace's revival! It should be noted that the event also added a temporary boss that can somehow be related to Ozial.

Festival Lanterns Event Boss "Ocean Guardian"

Author: Niysha

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