What banners will be in the 2.8 Genshin Impact version: Keqing, Xinyan, and Eula.

17 jun 2022 at 14:53

Version 2.8 of Genshin Impact will become available on July 13th, 2022. It is obvious that this is the period when we will be expecting an update of banners and a new attempt to get the desired character.

What banners will be in Genshin Impact 2.8?

At the moment there is no official information, however there are very reliable leaks and insider information. 

First half of 2.8:

  • Klee and Kadzuh - leak from Lumine, one of the most reliable insiders.

Second half of 2.8:

  • Yumia - leak from Y, also a reliable insider, however we still recommend being skeptical.
 According to the old leaks of Genshin Impact 2.8 banners, Haixo will be in the first half of the update. 

Author: Niysha

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