Genshin Impact 1.7: When will Ayaka and Yoiimi's banner be released, details about the Echo Legends event.

7 jun 2021 at 10:51

In this article we will tell you about what banners will come out in Genshin Impact 1.7 and some details about the Echo Legends event. Let's go!

Leaks Genshin Impact 1.7: The Next Two Banners

Rumor has it that the next characters in the game will be Yoimiya and Ayaka. 

According to leaks, if there are no major changes or delays, Ayaka and Yoimiya will come out right after the Kazuhiko banner, probably in two separate banners. Ayaka is likely to appear on July 21, and Yoimiya three weeks later, on August 11. 

Our Telegram channel with fresh Genshin leaks

However, these forecasts may change, as the Genshin Impact schedule is constantly changing. Ayaka is likely to be the first or second character in Inazuma.

Details of the Echo Legends Event

The Echo Legends event will include a series of missions and collecting story excerpts from echoing conchs on the archipelago. Players will have to collect fragments of stories involving islanders, including the native islanders Magu Kenki and the Ako Domeki pirates. 

 You will need to collect 24 out of 32 legends to get a free Barbara skin.

Author: Niysha

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