What is the height of Xiao from Genshin Impact: full characteristics?

2 nov 2021 at 12:26

Genshin Impact is full of funny and interesting characters, and Xiao has an outstanding aesthetic that has brought him a lot of fans. Many patiently await his rerun and draw tons of art to their favorite. Surprisingly, Xiao can be one of the lowest characters in Genshin Impact. Now let's talk about it in more detail!

Genshin Impact: Approximate Height of Xiao

Thanks to measurements taken by Twitter user katsudon_1276, the length of many game characters in pixels was determined. 

Xiao's Height - 153.6 centimeters (which is lower than Sin Zhong and Chun Yun). Despite being undoubtedly one of the strongest characters in the game both in terms of story and gameplay, Xiao remains one of the lowest male characters in the game.

Author: Niysha

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