How to Set Up 2FA in Genshin Impact - A Guide to Two-Factor Authentication

18 may 2021 at 14:21

Genshin Impact presented 2FA or two-factor authentication to add additional protection to player accounts. This is a highly sought after feature for players who are afraid of losing their accounts, progress, and characters due to hackers.

Setting up 2FA is fairly simple, and we strongly recommend doing so. It can be done on PC and mobile devices, but unfortunately this feature is not yet available on PlayStation.

How to Set Up 2FA in Genshin Impact

Setting up 2FA in Genshin Impact is easy, just follow these steps:

  • Go to your miYoHo account.
  • Log in to the account you want to activate 2FA on.
  • Go to the account management tab.
  • Enter the email address or mobile number for your account.

Now, when you attempt to log in, a special code will be sent to the email address or mobile number you have linked to your account. However, you will no longer be able to remove the link to your email address without the corresponding code.

What is Two-Factor Authentication in Genshin Impact 

Two-factor authentication is best thought of as a backup six-digit password that will be randomly generated and sent to you upon attempting to log in. If someone were to get your password and email address and log in as you, they would be prompted to enter an additional code.

This code will be sent to you via the method you have chosen. Without the code, the other person will not be able to log in and hack your account.

Author: Niysha

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