? When will the new banner for Genshin Impact: Zhongli and Yanfei be released?

22 apr 2021 at 13:47

Banners in Genshin Impact are what you can use to get the best characters and weapons in the game.

If you're lucky, you can snag yourself a 5-star character or weapon, but if not, you'll only get the primogems you spent. Welcome to the world of Gacha!

When is the next Genshin Impact Banner coming?

The next banner will arrive in Genshin Impact on April 28th, right after the 1.5 update. The banner will feature the old character Zhongli, as well as the new 4-star Pyro Catalyst user Yanfei.

Zhongli Li is indeed a pretty powerful character that will easily fit into your team. Pyro, being one of the most powerful elements in the game, also means that the new character will be a "must-have" for most players.

In addition, the banner will feature Diona and Noelle, so if you haven't been able to get them before, now is the time.

Author: Niysha

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