When will the Furina (Hydro Archon) banner be released in Genshin Impact?

8 sep 2023 at 9:43

We have already had a chance to get acquainted with the representative of the new region of justice, but when can we expect her banner? In fact, the release of Focalors coincides with the beginning of the so-called "Archon Parade." Well, let's get to discussing it right away!

When Will the Furina (Focalors) Banner Be in Genshin Impact

You can expect the release of this character in the near future, specifically in patch 4.2. Of course, many things can change, but since the character is already mentioned in the storyline of Fontaine, you can confidently expect her in the near future.

When Will the Announcement of Furina (Focalors) Be in Genshin Impact

If our assumptions are correct, and the release of Focalors will coincide with version 4.2, then the official announcement of the Hydro Archon on Twitter will take place on September 25th (during the 4.1 preload). Well, all that's left is to hope and keep our fingers crossed. See you soon!

Author: Niysha

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