Cross-over of Genshin Impact and Honkai Impact 3rd: Release Date, Skins, Rewards and More

5 jun 2021 at 10:00

Cross-over - it is when characters from one fictional world intersect with heroes from another.

Genshin Impact and Honkai Impact 3rd - two of miHoYo's biggest projects, which will soon enter into a collaboration. The main reason for this event is to attract more attention to the company's less popular game. 

Release Date 

The collaboration between Genshin Impact x Honkai Impact will start on June 10, 2021. Unfortunately, the exact time is still unknown.

What will be in the Genshin Impact x Honkai Impact 3rd cross-over?

A number of elements from Genshin will be added to Honkai Impact 3rd. As seen from the tweet below, Keqing will become a temporary game character, and Fischl - a permanent one. 

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 Honkai Impact users can get Fischl for free by logging into the game on the first day of the cross-event.

The screenshot below shows other interesting elements of the Genshin Impact x Honkai Impact 3rd cross-over.

The first item in the bottom row is Klee's costume, which is intended for Teri from Honkai Impact (it can be unlocked permanently). We also see Pymon, which most likely will also belong to the Elf system.

And lastly, what Genshin Impact will bring with it - bosses and minor enemies.

Will Honkai Impact content be added to Genshin Impact?

No, this is not planned. However, there is a high probability that Genshin players will be offered certain rewards for creating an account in Honkai or for reaching a certain level there.

Author: Niysha

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