Useful information about drifting in the game Forza Horizon 5

11 nov 2021 at 13:27

What could be more enjoyable than speeding down the track, leaving your opponents far behind? Of course, drifting! But drifting in the game Forza Horizon 5 can be considered a true art. To fully master it, you need to practice extensively. In this review, we will provide some tips that will help gamers perform the highest quality drifts while earning extra points.

Let's Look at the Settings

Before starting to drift on the track, it is worth preparing. First of all, go to the control settings. We need the section called "Difficulty". Once there, we will see 10 points, but we are interested in the "Gear Shifting" option. Choose manual transmission. This will allow you to shift gears manually. As for automatic transmission, you can still drift with it. However, be prepared for it to be less spectacular and prolonged.

In the settings, you can also turn off the "stability control" and "traction control" options.

Now About the Drift Itself

After selecting the settings, proceed to choose the car in which you will participate in the race. The drive type of the car will play an important role here. It is recommended to choose a rear-wheel-drive car for drifting. How can you tell? Simply go to the car's specifications, where this parameter is indicated. It is depicted as an icon located in the bottom left corner of the car's card. All-wheel-drive cars will also work.

The power of the car will also play a significant role. After all, the more powerful it is, the higher quality and more spectacular the drift will be.

On the track before a turn, it is recommended to first ensure that your car is directly facing the direction of the turn. After that, perform the following actions:

  • Pull the handbrake;
  • Turn the wheels in the opposite direction of the turn.

What is this for? To control the position of the car during the turn.

Be prepared that initially the car will sway in different directions. Your task is to keep the car at a straight angle.

When you realize that you have gained control over the drift, slightly move the joystick from side to side to keep the car in the desired position.

Forget about flooring the accelerator pedal during a drift. If you accelerate too much, the car may simply spin out, and not only will you lose the spectacular drift, but you will also lose your position in the race. To prevent this from happening, gradually apply the throttle, making sure the car doesn't stop but also doesn't "fly out" of the drift.

To bring the car back onto a straight section of the road after exiting the drift, simply straighten the steering wheel and press the accelerator pedal to accelerate the car.

These tips will help you master the trick called drifting. However, its success will ultimately depend on your specific actions. Don't get discouraged if you don't succeed in drifting the first time. Gradually, you will get used to the necessary actions; you just need to practice. We wish you successful races and impressive drifts on the turns!

Author: Swordself14

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