How to Summon and Fight Alongside Torren in Elden Ring

13 nov 2021 at 19:51

One of the most unique features of Elden Ring is the presence of a mount. Its name is Torrent, and you can confidently call it your companion! It's worth noting that players don't have access to it right from the beginning - you need to play for a few minutes to obtain the summoning whistle.

In this guide, we will tell you how to summon Torrent and fight while riding it in the game Elden Ring. Let's go!

How to Use and Summon Torrent in Elden Ring

Elden Ring is an open-world game. Obviously, in a game of this genre, transitioning from one area of the map to another always takes a lot of time. To solve this problem, gamers receive the assistance of Torrent.

Torrent is known as the Ghostly Steed, the summoning whistle for which you will receive from Melina. Once you reach the gates, Melina will give you the Spectral Steed Whistle, which you can use at any point in the open world.

You can use Torrent as fast travel in Elden Ring or as a means of transportation during combat.

Fighting While Riding Torrent: Combat Controls

Fighting while riding Torrent is not the most convenient activity, and it's something you'll need to get used to. You won't be able to use both hands while riding, and close-range weapons won't always be the most rational choice.

You will also need to switch between weapons in your right and left hand during close combat. As for the controls, they are almost identical to the ones used on foot. The only difference is that pressing L1/LB triggers attacks from the left side, while pressing R1/RB triggers attacks from the right side. Holding L2/LT and R2/RT will initiate charged attacks.

Author: Niysha

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