Multiplayer in Cyberpunk 2077 / New Details

13 jan 2021 at 5:10

Recently, dataminers who were studying the game files stumbled upon existing files about possible multiplayer modes: these are robberies and deathmatch. 

Robberies will most likely be cooperative missions. Judging by the team names in the files, there will be only 4 classes in the game:


Robberies mode is very similar to GTA: Online mode, where in a team you need to complete a certain goal and then hide.

In addition, dataminers found another interesting information, from which it becomes clear that the developers, possibly, plan to use P2P connections in multiplayer modes, that is, the user will create a lobby and invite players there. 

In November 2020, a few weeks before the release of Cyberpunk 2077, CD Projekt RED announced that multiplayer will become a separate product.

Of course, this information is not officially confirmed, and therefore the modes and server formats may change by the release date. In addition, at the moment there is no data about the upcoming release, because CD Projekt RED is apparently busy fixing bugs in Cyberpunk 2077.

Meanwhile, the studio is actively working on the development of the first free add-on for Cyberpunk 2077. According to user guesses, this add-on will be story-based and will continue V's story. Developers promised to release the add-on in early 2021. 

Author: tiny_chick

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