Cyberpunk 2077: Where to Find the Epic Crash Revolver and How to Stash Weapons in a Stash

10 jan 2021 at 11:21

This guide is created for those who want to know how to get the famous Crash revolver in Cyberpunk 2077. If you have no idea how to disassemble/sell a pistol, or just hide it in a secret place - this article is for you. 

Where to find the epic Crash revolver

You will be able to get the pistol after completing a couple of quests from River Ward. You will also get the pistol from him. To be specific, after completing the side mission "Boy with a Pistol". 

How to hide Crash in a secret place

First of all, you need to complete the "Transcendent Experience" task. This is a secondary mission, so first you need to complete the "Chaos Guards" quest. 

  1. Find Stefan and agree to pay him 16,000 euros for the braindance recording. Then follow him to the room next door. 

  2. Launch the braindance. 

  3. You will get to the lair of the scavengers, where you were at the very beginning of Cyberpunk 2077.

  4. Go to the main room and take your equipment from the closet (on the right). 

  5. It is only after such manipulations that you can remove the exclamation mark from the revolver. Look, now it's gone, right? So you can easily disassemble it and hide it in a secret place.  


Author: Niysha

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