Completing the mission "On Soft Paws"

15 dec 2020 at 18:45

How to complete the "On Soft Paws" mission without being detected? 

The mission itself is quite challenging if you don't have additional skills. In this guide, we will walk you through the mission with only the double jump ability (Cyberware implant, available for Ripper installation). For walkthroughs of other quests, check here.


Do not exit stealth mode. This is important. 

Act quickly.

Save after each step.

Avoid being detected.


So, where to start? If you carefully examined the area and listened to Takemura, you will understand that the easiest way is to climb onto the territory using the crates located on the left side of the area.

Use the double jump to get over the fence and quickly run to the stairs (but don't go up). Just crouch and when you finish talking to Takemura, sneak into the building where you stopped. The entrance is shown in the screenshot.

Be careful not to get caught in the sight of the guard at the main gate. Enter the building and silently kill the guard while continuing to sneak. Repeat the same process on the second floor. Collect useful items and proceed down the stairs to the basement where the red light is. You will enter a tunnel where there will be one guard. He usually always has his back to you, so dealing with him shouldn't be difficult. Proceed further through the tunnel, listen to V's funny lines, and go to another part of the building. Go up the stairs and stand by the door that leads to the street.

Now we finally leave the building and wait for the robot to walk away in the opposite direction. Then we run to the cargo carrier. The "Activate" icon will appear. Press it, and the machine will raise the lift. Jump onto it, then onto the roof of the building. Now jump from roof to roof (using double jump) and move to the far end of the area.

Now remember the sequence well because you need to act quickly! Aim at the alarm and use the "Distract Enemies" ability. The guard will go to check it.

This is where the "Hidden Dragon" skill comes in handy, as it allows you to incapacitate the enemy from the air. If you don't have the skill, simply jump down quickly and kill him. Drag the body and move it into the building.

Collect items in the room, hack the protocol, and move up the stairs. Now be more cautious.

There is a guard standing to the left of the door whom you need to kill. But first, wait for the guard on the left to move to the far corner of the hangar.

After that, wait for the guard below to move to the end of the hangar. Jump down and quietly hide behind the red crates on the left. Wait for him to pass by and kill him.

There's no need to hide the body. There is also a guard near the room where we need to go. Just use the "Optics Jammer" on him, quickly run up, and kill him. Move the body into the room.

Well, now we're down to the final steps.

In the room, wait for the guard on the right to leave, then kill the last guard in this mission.

Sneak to the computer and upload the virus. Done!

By this time, Takemura will create chaos among the guards, allowing you to escape. Run up the stairs, climb over the window, and exit onto the platform. The job is almost done.

Using double jump, jump onto the platform to the left of the building, then jump onto the red crates, onto the container, and exit onto the roof.

Now, on the roofs of these three buildings (or on the balconies to the left), head towards the exit. Climb over the railings and make your way to the nearest bar to relieve stress. Congratulations on completing the mission without being detected.

Author: tiny_chick

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