Animals in Cyberpunk 2077: How to Tame a Cat

19 dec 2020 at 15:51

What can be more wonderful than a cat? Perhaps a dog and other animals, but now we will specifically talk about cats in the Cyberpunk 2077 universe. After a 4-hour game demonstration, we learned that the game will feature fluffy companions and the ability to pet them. But that's not all.

Getting a cat in Cyberpunk 2077 is very easy because it's enough to feed them. But where and how to get the food is another story. This guide will help you tame a cat and easily get food for them.

How to tame a cat

So, the most epic mission in Cyberpunk 2077, "Tame the Cat," starts in the heart of Santo Domingo (Santo Domingo). The easiest way to get there is through fast travel, specifically via the point "Arasaka Industrial Park."

If you're already there, hurry to the main entrance (big gates) and try to get past the guards and dogs. Run straight, turn left, and jump into a small opening with a descent where you will see a door.

Open the door, grab the box of food from the table, and get out of there.

Return home (you can use fast travel, point "Megabuilding H10"). Leave V's apartment, turn left first, go all the way, and turn right. Around the corner, you will find a letter asking you to feed the cat. Fill its bowl and go to sleep.

On the next day, come back, catch the cat, and take your furry companion!

Well, there you have it, getting a cat in Cyberpunk 2077 is not difficult, and the result is very satisfying!

Author: Niysha

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