How to defeat Oda, Hanako Arasaka's bodyguard, in Cyberpunk 2077

30 dec 2020 at 16:19

You will encounter Oda in the "Audience" quest at Saburo Arasaka's parade, when he reaches for the non-netrunner wire in his head. This boss is quite challenging, so it is crucial to familiarize yourself with the fighting tactics and understand Oda's strengths and weaknesses.

In this guide, we will explain how to defeat the boss Oda quickly and easily in Cyberpunk 2077. Let's get started!

Boss Oda: Best Tactics

Oda has a wide range of moves:

First wave of attacks: blade strikes. You should dodge and move away from his attacks as quickly as possible. Once you're at a safe distance, pull out your revolver and shoot him in the head. The best approach is to combine 2-3 types of equipment in your slots along with your weapon. Why is this important?

It is highly likely that you may run out of ammo at the most inconvenient moment. It's advantageous to combine a shotgun with an automatic/sniper rifle or a revolver with a rifle.

In the first part of the fight, Oda also uses the "jump in the air and powerful close-range strike" attack. Try to jump or evade during those moments as the damage can be devastating.

Second wave of attacks: Oda starts combining melee combat with shots from a homing bullet submachine gun. This phase is quite dangerous, and you need to quickly find cover. The boss will jump on crates and shoot from high points. What should you do?

After Oda's firearm attack, he will take short pauses. During this time, take out your rifle, preferably a sniper rifle, and start targeting the boss (while staying hidden). As soon as Oda recovers, immediately move back. Repeat this strategy in a circular manner.

Last phase of the battle: XP regeneration. When you bring the boss close to critical health, he will simply disappear and hide (his health will regenerate). Your task is to find him among the containers and prevent his health from recovering. Examine all the containers, and in one of them, you will see a blue outline from Oda's cloak.

Immediately shoot and remove his invisibility. Then finish off the boss using the aforementioned methods, gradually restoring your XP. I hope you succeed!

Author: Niysha

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