The Old Network in Cyberpunk 2077: What is its role and why is everyone so afraid of it?

17 jan 2021 at 12:10

The world in Cyberpunk 2077 is truly a meticulously crafted futuristic universe with an immense amount of detail. Delving into it, you'll see the game from a completely different perspective.  

The network technologies in the game make you wary and contemplate how many problems humanity can face by reaching such a level of information development. Compared to the internet technologies in Cyberpunk 2077, which can be considered cutting-edge, our current network is in its early stages of artificial intelligence ascendance. 

According to science fiction enthusiasts, in the future, the well-known network will expand so much that controlling it will become practically impossible and deadly (which is well depicted in the Cyberpunk universe). Let's delve into it in more detail.

What is the Old Network and the Role of the Blackwall

In the Cyberpunk 2077 universe, humans are no longer capable of simply fighting against AI (artificial intelligence). They are forced to take a defensive position and ensure their own existence. In the game's setting, AI is divided into a vast number of types, but collectively they are called "Wild AIs"

They can be both biological and fully artificially generated. However, there are speculations that AI emerges within the network itself. 

Learn more about Wild AIs and the Night Corporation here.

At the time of the events in Cyberpunk 2077, the network is divided into several regions, each with its own visual appearance and design. Everything beyond their digital boundaries is the old network, populated throughout by wild AIs. In turn, the intelligence that has escaped human control carries truly fatal consequences.   

Realizing the criticality of the situation, people have started devising various methods of fighting back, one of which is the NetWatch. The main breakthrough of this organization is the Blackwall, which serves as a barrier between the new and old networks. 

 NetWatch plays the role of protecting all of civilization, which is why it is financed by all nations, not just a few corporations. 

According to rumors, this very Blackwall (black ice) is nothing more than a special AI that, for some reason, agreed to work and support the human side. From this theory arises another, no less epic, that of a war between AIs. This version is confirmed by Mr. Blue Eyes and other agents (read the attached article for more details). They have quite ambiguous motives for collaborating with humans, as well as an external method of communication. 

However, it is also important to note that the Voodoo Boys believe that after the fall of this very Blackwall, it is the wild AIs that will help it rise again. It remains clear only that the old network harbors many secrets of its own development, which we will likely learn more about in future DLCs.




Author: Niysha

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