How to Have Sex in Cyberpunk 2077

6 dec 2020 at 9:20

So, let's discuss a very popular question: how to engage in sex in Cyberpunk 2077? We all know by now that there will be nudity in the game (which can be disabled in the settings). In Night City, sex is everywhere, starting from the sex workers on Jig-Jig Street (the colorful name for the red-light district in the game world), to massive billboards with naked men and women.

Fortunately, besides numerous erotic scenes, the game will allow you to build relationships with characters. GameSpot editor Phil Hornshaw played a whopping 16 hours of the game and shared some observations. He wrote on his page that there is a certain "hidden relationship meter" that fills up when interacting with others.

"The more time you spend with people and help them, the deeper your relationships become," Hornshaw said. In any case, these are just speculations. But according to Phil, you can feel how your relationships grow or deteriorate based on your interactions with the character.

Will close characters be able to engage in intimate relationships? Perhaps, but that remains to be tested by players themselves.

As for sex, there are plenty of prostitutes in the city. You can approach any of them, pay the specified fee, and then watch a 30-second montage of moans and tousled sheets. The depiction of sex will be more explicit than in The Witcher 3, but not to the extent of offending anyone. If you are not 18 or simply do not want to see naked bodies, you can switch to a mode without nudity.

Hornshaw also noted some details about V's relationship with Johnny Silverhand. We already know that V's biochip, implanted in their own brain, contains Johnny's digitized soul. But we didn't suspect that this very biochip is a good manipulator of V, poised to take control. It's up to the players to find a way to properly remove the chip from their head and preserve their individuality.

Author: Niysha

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