Easter Eggs in Cyberpunk 2077. Part 1

15 dec 2020 at 19:49

Easter eggs are an integral part of all games. Some of them are practically visible, while others are cleverly hidden.

In this article, we will tell you about the interesting Easter eggs found in the game. What they refer to and what they are related to.

1. "Ghost in the Shell." On the screen of some computers, there is an icon from the 2006 anime "Ghost in the Shell".

2. The Witcher 3's Roach. On one of the arcade machines, you can notice the game "Roach Race." This is a direct reference to Roach, as the game shows a griffin and the well-known "bugs" of our beloved horse.

3. Strange seashells. In V's apartment, in the bathroom, you can see 3 neatly folded seashells. This is a reference to Sylvester Stallone's 1993 movie "Demolition Man." In this movie, a futuristic society has abolished toilet paper, confusing Stallone's character and making him wonder about the purpose of the mysterious 3 seashells in the bathroom.

4. The Terminator. In the city, on one of the streets, you can see bodies on the ground. This is a reference to the famous "Terminator" franchise. The remains resemble the remains of robots sent by the evil corporation Skynet.

5. More Roach! Another reference to Roach - an image of a horse can be seen on the side of a car that you can buy.

6. Lenin? Why not? In the dressing room of the Lizzie club, there is alcohol on the shelves, including vodka with an image of Uncle Lenin in a cyberpunk style.

7. BadComedian. On several billboards, you can see an image of a priest (?) who bears a striking resemblance to the popular film critic Evgeny Bazhenov. It was pleasant to come across such an Easter egg.

8. Big Smoke and CJ. The best Easter egg from the game GTA San Andreas pays tribute to one of the most memorable (annoying) motorcycle missions. In the game, you can find two dead characters - Little Smoke and JC, who are references to Big Smoke and Ryder. Near one of the corpses, you can discover a recording of their last conversation.

9. Batman and Vengeance. In the mission where you help Panam kill a traitor in the cave in the Badlands, you can come across a container with a beautiful black car. On the table behind it, there is the following note. Undoubtedly, this is a reference to Batman.

10. Developer's Room. In the Watson district, behind the stairs, there is a door. If you enter the code 605185, you will gain access to the developer's room. You can sit on the couch, where Johnny also lounges and even comments on what's happening. By turning on the television, you can see information about the game's creators on the screen, accompanied by Johnny's melody.

Author: tiny_chick

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