Easter Eggs in Cyberpunk 2077 Part 2

5 jan 2021 at 10:21

This is the second part of little-known and interesting Easter eggs in Cyberpunk 2077. Let's go!

1. In the desert near the auto repair shop, there is a location where the iconic "Breaking Bad" RV is parked, which also has bullet holes. There are also substances present that the characters from the series used to cook, along with a conversation chip.

2. In the same desert, if you drive a little further, you can find a door hatch from the game Fallout. There is also a conversation chip nearby. 

3. The car from the movie "Mad Max." Next to the corpses, there is a conversation chip between Charlize Fury and Dakota Smith. Charlize Fury is a reference to the actress Charlize Theron, who played Furiosa in the movie.

4. Near the Aldecaldos camp, you can find a bunker that has references to the popular game "Mario." The chip on the table directly refers to it. And if you go further, there will be a tablet with a game similar to "Mario" on the table.

5. In the Aldecaldos camp, some tents depict a cowboy with a hat and a whip - this is a reference to the legendary "Indiana Jones" series of movies.

6. Not far from the dumpster, there is a place that seems to have been used to shoot the trailer for Far Cry 3 :)

7. On the roof of Detective River Ward's house, there is a pizza. This is another reference to the series "Breaking Bad," where the main character threw a pizza onto the roof of a house in one of the episodes.

8. Where to find BadComedian in Cyberpunk 2077? Unfortunately, despite the intrigue, the character was only added to the game on posters. But there is a mission called "Urgent News." The client, Tad, was voiced by Yevgeny Bazhenov. It's a very pleasant Easter egg, albeit short-lived.

9. In one of the city dumps, you can find the corpse of a man with a hat lying next to him. From the chip, we learn that he tried to survive a nuclear explosion by hiding in a refrigerator. This is another reference to the movie "Indiana Jones."

10. In the game, there is Grove Street from GTA San Andreas. At first, it may seem like just a similar street, but if we look at the nearby bridge, we'll see a patched-up hole in it. And as we all remember, in the final mission, Big Smoke crashes into the concrete blocks of the bridge and demolishes them.

Author: tiny_chick

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