The "Olive Branch" Order in Cyberpunk 2077: Release Alex or Not?

24 dec 2020 at 20:33

During the "Olive Branch" quest, you will face a difficult choice: release Alex Pushkin from the trunk or feed him to the Tiger Claws. In this guide, we will explain the best course of action in this situation for maximum benefit to V. Let's get started!

Caution, spoilers ahead!

Spare No One

So, the "Olive Branch" quest is assigned by Wakako Okada. Objective: meet and talk to Sergei Korosinski, take his car, and deliver it to the Tiger Claws gang. Essentially, by completing the quest, we help and save Sergei from the aforementioned gang (he is on their "blacklist").

You take the car, hit the road, and unexpectedly hear a plea for help from the trunk. Inside, you see an unknown man who introduces himself as Alex Pushkin - the senior quality control assistant at "Biotechnica."

And here comes the logical question: release Alex or leave him in the car? In fact, we know absolutely nothing about his activities or what kind of person he is. That's why it's very difficult to make a choice. Let's consider each option and its consequences:

1. Release Alex Pushkin from the trunk. Result: you complete the contract, receive 3700 Eurodollars from the victim, and frame Sergei. By the way, Wakako won't be too upset about this outcome.
2. Don't release Alex from the trunk. Result: you complete the mission for a longer duration, hand over the prisoner, and receive 1860 Eurodollars from the Tiger Claws, but Sergei will be fine.

Obviously, if you want to earn some extra money, it's better to spare Alex. If we look at it from the moral choice and quest completion speed perspective, the decision is up to you!

If you choose to deliver Alex to the gang, try not to antagonize anyone along the way (there are many gang members who can easily be provoked into a firefight).

And yes, when you arrive at the diner, don't show Alex. Otherwise, you'll have to fight all the enemies and still rescue the prisoner. Good luck!

Author: Niysha

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