Valheim: Where and How to Find Honey and Build a Bee Hive

17 feb 2021 at 10:00

In the game, honey is an integral part of your character's life. When you have bees on your homestead, you have honey, which means there's no need to venture into the forest and expose yourself to dangers. 

Why do you need honey? It's simple - you can use it to brew various potions and mead. The latter restores health and neutralizes poisons. Think bees are useless? You're mistaken. 

In this guide, we will tell you where to get honey in Valheim and how to build a beehive. Let's go!

Where to find honey in Valheim

Bees produce honey both in domesticated hives and in the wild. You'll encounter wild hives in meadows and swamps. When you're in the meadow location, look for ruined or abandoned houses. Wild bees live under the walls or in the attics there. 

Finding a hive in the swamp area is much more difficult. Typically, it is located on trees near the swamps. In domestic conditions, you do everything yourself: build hives, introduce a queen bee, and breed bees.

Searching for queen bees and beehive blueprint

To find the queen bee, go to the Meadows location and look for a house with a beehive. They can be found in almost every ruined structure. 

You'll have to destroy the hives and see if there's a queen bee inside. Do this with arrows (regular or fire arrows). If you try to destroy them with your bare hands, the bees will sting you. Keep breaking them until you see the queen bee. One queen bee - one beehive. If you want a larger apiary, you'll have to make an effort to find queen bees. 

Building a beehive 

To construct a beehive, you'll need: a queen bee and 10 pieces of wood with a hammer. It's advisable to set up a workbench near the location where the beehive will be based. We recommend fencing off the hives because hostile creatures can destroy them.  

Place the hives at a distance of at least two meters from each other; otherwise, the bees will stop giving you honey. Sometimes there simply isn't enough space to place the hives rationally. In that case, place them at different heights relative to each other. 

Set up the hives about two meters away from the fence. Trolls can reach your apiary if they stand closer. A hive can produce up to 4 units of honey at a time. 

How to make bees happy? 

A happy bee = lots of honey. That's why we mentioned that it's better to place the hives at a distance from each other - that's the bees' first "requirement." Don't place the hives too close; you'll lose a lot of honey. 

Principles of harvesting honey from beehives

It's very simple: approach the beehive and press the E key. That's it! 

 Remember, the amount of honey produced is limited - 4 units per day. 

But you won't always be able to collect the full amount. It also depends on the mood of the bees. Please your pets, and they will reward you.

Author: Niysha

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