Flashlight in Lethal Company: where to buy and how to use

24 dec 2023 at 10:19

Flashlight in Lethal Company is one of the main pieces of equipment necessary for progressing through the game, exploring locations, and repelling monsters. It is a consumable item that can be purchased at the terminal. It also needs to be periodically recharged to avoid being left in pitch darkness alone with terrifying creatures.

Where to Find a Flashlight in Lethal Company

You can purchase a flashlight at the terminal on the spacecraft. There are two items to choose from:

  • Regular flashlight – 15 credits;
  • Professional flashlight – 25 credits.

To buy a flashlight, enter the command "flashlight", select the desired item, and confirm the purchase by entering "confirm". Wait for your item to be delivered to the moon.

Professional Flashlight: What It's For

The professional flashlight is an enhanced version of the regular flashlight, with a larger battery capacity and a higher lighting range. Other differences:

  • The regular flashlight does not take up inventory space, while the professional one weighs 5 pounds;
  • The regular flashlight works for 140 seconds without recharging, while the professional one lasts twice as long – 300 seconds.

At the start of the game, we recommend buying a regular flashlight to understand the basic operation and not waste extra credits, which will be scarce initially. After a couple of missions, you can purchase a professional flashlight, but clear your inventory in advance to avoid overloading.

How to Turn On and Recharge the Flashlight

Once you receive the flashlight from the delivery, you can activate it with the Left Mouse Button (LMB). Periodically turn off the flashlight using the same button to prevent the device from discharging too quickly.

The flashlight's charge is displayed in the upper left corner as a yellow bar. We recommend preparing for a recharge as soon as the bar disappears halfway. Once the charge is depleted, the device will turn off, and you can only recharge it on the spacecraft.

To recharge the flashlight, return to the spacecraft and approach the charging station. Approach the coil, press the "E" key – the character will attach the flashlight to the station. It is more economical to recharge the flashlight than to buy a new one each time, but if you urgently need a charged device, it's easier to purchase a duplicate at the terminal.

For more information on all items and equipment that can be purchased at the terminal in Lethal Company, check out the dedicated guide.

Author: victory

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