Bracken: how to defeat in Lethal Company

15 jan 2024 at 7:39

Bracken (Floral Man) in Lethal Company is one of the deadliest monsters you can encounter in the game. It doesn't attack instantly but waits to catch its victim off guard and kill them. If you want to survive an encounter with Bracken, read a detailed guide on the monster and ways to fight it.

Why Bracken is Dangerous

Bracken is a tall bipedal creature with red skin, resembling a humanoid. For unknown reasons, leaves grow from its body, earning it the second name – Floral Man. Nothing else is known about the origin and nature of Bracken. But evidently, it is somehow connected to nature, and though it currently appears only in dark corridors of complexes, it might have previously inhabited forests.

According to the bestiary, Bracken has a quite developed intellect and doesn't just attack but tries to deceive humans, leading them astray. You can identify the monster in the dark by its brightly glowing white eyes without pupils.

The peculiarity of Bracken is that it doesn't draw attention to itself like a typical monster. It silently stands in a corner and waits for an Employee to come across it. And the worst thing you can do is stare at this creature, which will immediately provoke an attack.

If you fall into the clutches of the Floral Man, death will be instantaneous, with no chance of survival. That's why you should know how to avoid a direct confrontation with Bracken and save yourself.

How to Defeat Bracken

Bracken is a solitary hunter. The maximum number of individuals that can spawn near each other is 2, but these cases are very rare.

Behavioral features of Bracken and ways to fight it:

  • It is impossible to predict the appearance of Floral Man. It behaves quietly and makes no characteristic sounds;
  • Bracken doesn't attack immediately upon seeing a player. It silently observes from behind a corner, and you can even save yourself by simply ignoring the monster and walking away in the opposite direction;
  • Signal indicating that Bracken is preparing to attack: falling leaves from its back;
  • To kill the monster, 5-6 shovel hits are enough. It's challenging to do alone, so it's better to resort to teamwork;
  • The best weapon for killing it is a shotgun;
  • Bracken likes to sneak up from behind. If you turn and face it, it will stop and cease pursuit. If you don't react in time, it will kill you;
  • Don't stand near Bracken for too long and don't look into its eyes! This will immediately provoke the monster to attack. One hit is enough for an Employee to die;
  • If you still provoke Bracken, and it starts to chase you, try to hide as quickly as possible. It's best to go straight to the spaceship. If possible, ask a team member who stayed on board to teleport you to a safe place;
  • If Bracken kills an Employee, the monster will hide the player's body in its "favorite place" and forget about it. The "favorite place" is a conditional point on the location where Bracken returns and drags bodies. It also hides there if you try to scare it. Immediately after killing, the monster starts pursuing the next Employee. This is an excellent time to find your comrade's body and bring it back to the spaceship to avoid penalties;
  • In single-player mode, Bracken doesn't wait but kills instantly if you try to approach it;
  • Don't announce the killing near other team members. There is a high chance that Bracken will take the risk and immediately try to kill the next Employee.

Every time you scare Bracken or ignore its presence, it will look for new ways to kill you. Be vigilant!

This is all the information available about the Bracken monster. Use it to protect yourself and your team members.

Author: victory

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