Where to find Pine Resin in Genshin Impact: Furniture Material Map Location.

28 apr 2021 at 16:17

English Translation:

Genshin Impact 1.5 is one of the biggest updates ever added to the game, in particular due to the introduction of the new housing system. 

In this guide we will tell you about where to find Firwood in Genshin Impact and how to effectively process it to make furniture. Let's go!

Where to Find Firwood in Genshin

Firwood is primarily used to make slabs, which allow you to change the landscape of your adepts' abode. This means that you will need a huge amount of firwood if you want to seriously take up your interior.

Farming Firwood in Mondstadt

The easiest place to farm Firwood is right in Mondstadt, next to the first Teleport Point. You will find 4 Firs right behind the Teleport Point and 7 Firs right under it. This is one of the fastest ways to farm firwood material.

Note that when hitting trees, you only get three pieces. Thus, an effective way of collecting material is to hit the tree 3 times and then move on to the next tree.

In addition, less than 24 hours have passed since the 1.5 update, so the mechanics of the update and the resurrection of wooden materials are currently unclear. Nevertheless, after some time, all the material will definitely be replenished.

Each of the firs will give you 3 pieces of firwood. This is more than 40 pieces of firwood that you can farm daily by teleporting to Mondstadt.

Farming Firs in Dragon's Ridge

The easiest farming point is right under the Statue of the Seven. Just teleport there and then jump down to find several firs for firewood.

Author: Niysha

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