Where to find Midnight Jade in Genshin Impact

2 dec 2021 at 14:15

In this guide you will learn about where to find Midnight Jade on the Genshin Impact map. Let's go!

Genshin Impact: Midnight Jade 

Midnight Jade in Genshin Impact is used to ascend the following characters: Yanfei and Beidou. This material is most often found in the Dragonspine area, especially in the village of Minlin. Nevertheless, on the map, Midnight Jade can be found in other locations as well.

Midnight Jade on the Genshin Impact map: all locations

Location 1: Stormbearer Point (3 Jade)
Location 2: Sal Terrae (3 Jade)
Location 3: Minlin Village (25 Jade)
Location 4: Guyun Stone Forest (3 Jade)
Location 5: Tianheng Mountains (6 Jade)
Location 6: Cinzhu Lake (3 Jade)
Location 7: Guizhong Forest (2 Jade)
Author: Niysha

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