? How to solve the water level puzzle on the Broken Island in Genshin Impact?

11 jun 2021 at 15:43

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The picture on the Broken Island actually gives players the answer to the puzzle involving the whole group of islands.

In this guide, we will tell you how to solve the water level puzzle on the Broken Island. Let's go!

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Broken Island Puzzle (Solution)

The first step to solving any puzzle is to give each area a designation. As you can see, all the pools have been given unique names, and the water levels vary from level 1 to level 3, where 1 is the lowest water level and three is the highest.

Thus, it becomes easy to list what level should be in each pool (signed below).

  • Middle - Level 1 
  • 1 on the left – Level 2 
  • 2 on the left – Level 3 – you need to break the storm stone to let the rain fall into the pool and fill it. 
  • 1 on the right – Level 1 – you need to break the stones above the pool to let the water flow down and fill it. 
  • 2 on the right – Level 2

Next to each pool there are two flat stones that you can stand on. One of them will raise the water to a level, the other will lower it. Use them to bring the water to the desired level.

After that, players will need to go to the point marked by the indicator below and stand in front of the five pillars. Here there are five more pressure plates and you will need to stand on them in a certain order.

The last step is just to read the message on the wall and get the reward.

Author: Niysha

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