Official Genshin Impact 2.4 Banners: First and Second Half Banners

26 dec 2021 at 17:01

Thanks to the leaks we already knew the approximate banner schedule, however it was not certain that it would be so. Fortunately, this time our assumptions, which we wrote about earlier, were confirmed! 

During the 2.4 Genshin Impact stream, the developers announced the full 1.4 banner schedule, which fully corresponds to the old leaks. And now let's talk in more detail!

2.4 Genshin Impact Banners

As expected, the developers decided to shorten the wait time for reruns, so instead of one double banner we are waiting for 2! Thus, all reruns will pass much faster, and you will not have to wait too long.

2.4 Update Banner:

  • First half of the patch: Shen Yue (new 5* Cryo heroine) and rerun Xiao.
  • Second half of the patch: Zhongli and Ganyu.

Unfortunately, no detailed information about the banner and its composition is yet known, but leaks should answer this question soon!

Author: Niysha

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