What are the chances of getting Eula's signature weapon from the new banner in Genshin Impact's Song of the Broken Pines?

17 may 2021 at 17:10

In Genshin Impact, a new banner featuring "Song of Broken Pines," a powerful 5-star claymore, which is also Eula's signature weapon, will be released soon.

In this article, we will tell you about the weapon "Song of Broken Pines" in Genshin Impact and the probability of obtaining it. Let's go!

What are the chances of getting "Song of Broken Pines"

"Song of Broken Pines" is a recently released 5-star claymore that will appear in Genshin Impact along with the Eula banner on May 18. According to the in-game description, the chances of obtaining a 5-star weapon from the weapon banner are 0.7%, but as the banner rating increases, the chances of obtaining Eula's weapon increase to 1.85%.

To guarantee obtaining the weapon, you can rely on Genshin Impact's pity system, which activates after 80 wishes.

Is it worth pulling the Eula banner?

How does the weapon pity banner work in Genshin Impact?

Every 80 rolls, the player is guaranteed to receive a 5-star item, but starting from the 60th wish, there is a chance to acquire a powerful weapon: 75% chance of getting "Song of Broken Pines" or Aquila Favonia, and a 25% chance of getting any other 5-star weapon in Genshin Impact.

If players ultimately receive another weapon, their next guaranteed 5-star will be one of the two weapons with an increased rating.

Author: Niysha

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