?Where to find Supremo in Far Cry 6?

9 oct 2021 at 11:20

In Far Cry 6, there is special equipment that will be a great addition to your main weapons and allow you to unleash terror on your enemies. We're talking about Supremos. Supremos are special backpacks that have unique abilities and slots that can be filled with grenades, smoke bombs, and other throwable weapons.

There are a total of 7 different Supremos in the game, and you can buy most of them from Juan or other merchants. They will be marked on the map with a green basket icon. To purchase them, you'll need Uranium, which can be obtained from anti-aircraft batteries.

Now let's talk about the Supremos that are available for purchase:

  • Exterminator. This Supremo is the first one that the main character receives as part of the game's story. It has an ability called "Armageddon Strike." With its help, enemies can be literally swept away by a barrage of rockets. The rockets also have homing capabilities, making it nearly impossible for enemies to take cover. This is the starting Supremo.
  • Phantom. The "Toxic Salvo" ability can bring true chaos to the battlefield. This Supremo releases poisonous gas that causes enemies to turn against each other. Moreover, enemies who inhale this gas will receive increased damage from hits. This Supremo is available from the beginning of the game.
  • Volta. The ability of this Supremo is called "El Impulso." As the name suggests, the backpack can generate an electromagnetic pulse that has a certain effect on both humans and machinery. This pulse will knock enemies off their feet and simply disable security systems. If you use the pulse on a vehicle, it won't be able to move. This Supremo is also available from the beginning of the game.
  • Furioso. Its main ability is "Fuego Loco." By using this Supremo, enemies will be confronted with a blazing ring of fire. The main character can also perform a swift leap forward by jumping while in the air. Another ability of this Supremo is an increase in damage when using revolver-type weapons, but only after activating the Supremo itself. It becomes available at level 3.
  • Medico. The available ability is "Sona Medicina." This Supremo is great for providing medical assistance to both yourself and allies. It's an excellent tool for healing and reviving. It becomes available at level 4.
  • Gladiator. The "Energy Injector" ability turns the main character into a true berserker. Their speed and health increase, and enemies can be successfully crushed with a machete. It becomes available at level 5.

To purchase these Supremos, the most important thing is to accumulate the necessary amount of Uranium, which is not abundant in the game.

In addition to the ones mentioned, there is another Supremo in the game called "Triador." Unlike the others, you can't buy it. It becomes available by completing the "Bless ings of the Triad" quest. To do this, you need to visit a cave on Sanctuario Island. After exploring it thoroughly, you'll need to find and bring three valuable relics to the cave. The locations where they can be found will be marked on the map with purple diamonds.

You can visit two out of three locations at any time, but the third one needs to be visited only at night. Here's what you need to do there:

  • Break the mirror;
  • Press the button;
  • Visit the room on the left;
  • Press the buttons in the following order: middle, left, right;
  • Go upstairs using the stairs;
  • Look at the piano, then at the window, and again at the piano to reveal a secret door;
  • Take the key and go down to open the door there;
  • In the room with mannequins, press the button.

With this Supremo, enemies won't be able to hide from you, even behind walls, as you'll be able to mark their locations successfully. And if you have the "La Varita" rifle in your arsenal, the main character will even be able to shoot through walls.

By completing the relic search quest, in addition to the "Triador" Supremo, you'll also be able to get a new amigo called Oluso.

Author: Swordself14

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