The coolest weapon in Watch Dogs: Legion is the AR Cloak

28 dec 2020 at 22:15

Watch Dogs: Legion offers a good variety of weapons, ranging from regular silenced pistols to the "big boss" - the grenade launcher. In this guide, we will tell you about the best and unique weapons in Watch Dogs: Legion. Let's go!

Which weapons to choose?

Depending on the task at hand, you will have the choice to try out different tools.

Desert Eagle
Also known as the "Desert Eagle" or "Desert Eagle". The effectiveness of the ammunition for this firearm allows it to be used not only against humans but also against drones. Although its rate of fire is not the best, its damage is quite good, unlike the P9 or REX 357. This weapon is only available to the Hitman class.

P9 with a suppressor
The best friend of a guerrilla is not only darkness but also a "silent" killing weapon. This weapon has no "competitors", but when compared to a pistol with an electric charge, the P9 is undoubtedly the leader in range and rate of fire. It is preferred by spies.

G-36 assault rifle
And where would we be without thrilling and lengthy shootouts? The G-36 is perfect for situations where you need to take down dozens of enemies, including drones. The damage of the G-36 is on par with the famous AK-47, Vector 45, MP5, and the excellent M249 machine gun. In addition, it surpasses the P308 in rate of fire. It is an ideal choice for the endgame. This weapon is only available to the Hitman class.

MP9 DedSec submachine gun
This beauty can be equipped with an extended magazine, and it has a useful feature - reduced reload time. Its range can be compared to electric charge firearms. Its high rate of fire is on par with MP7 and MPX. You can unlock this weapon with additional technology points.

Dedsec Grenade Launcher
Interestingly enough, the name is not entirely accurate. This weapon shoots electric charge rounds, which temporarily deactivate enemies instead of killing them. However, it is excellent for taking down drones, unlike APGL and GL-06. It can be upgraded to increase magazine capacity and ammunition capacity. Like the previous MP9 DedSec submachine gun, it can be unlocked with technology points.

From this extensive list, you can surely find something suitable. Have a successful game!

Author: Niysha

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