Valheim: How to Tame Boars and Other Animals

24 feb 2021 at 9:29

The game Valheim is undoubtedly about survival and development in challenging conditions: you will have to build bases, reinforce them, and search for resources and food to survive. 

But that's just one aspect of the game; on the other hand, no one prevents you from raising animals for your pleasure. Agree, there's no need to constantly chase after boars for a meal when you can tame a pig once and live peacefully.  

In addition to boars, you can tame wolves and aurochs, which are equally useful for your farm. In this guide, we will tell you how to tame a boar and other animals in Valheim.

How to Tame a Boar

Before domesticating an animal, think about what you will feed it. It's best to stock up on a good supply of provisions for your future pet. We also recommend setting up a small pen before taming the boar; it makes it easier to train them. 

Follow the following instructions, and the boar will be yours:

  1. Build a pen near the area where boars potentially live. Leave an entrance for the creature so that it can enter your enclosure.

  2. Leave food for the animal in the pen: berries, carrots, and other items. 

  3. Attract the boar and corral it into the enclosure. It's important to close the pen and step away so that the animal calms down. 

  4. The boar will become more docile if it likes the treats you left for it. 

  5. Feed it until the heart above the animal turns pink. 

After these simple manipulations, the animal will be yours. We recommend taming two or more boars right away, if possible. You can't have too many. If you manage to capture a male and a female, they will produce offspring, which is beneficial for you. 

When the boars grow up, you can use them for meat and hide. But don't forget to feed your pets. 

How to Tame a Wolf and Auroch

In addition to boars, you can expand your farm with wolves and aurochs. We should note that this is only feasible for experienced, well-equipped warriors. Once you have leveled up your character, you can confidently go hunt for more challenging animals. 

Taming a wolf is not difficult, and the process is similar to what was described earlier. The challenge lies in the following: to reach the mountains (where wolves reside), you need frost resistance potions and warm clothing.  

Keep in mind that wolves are much stronger than boars and can inflict damage. The pen should be much stronger, or else it will simply break. Instead of plants and vegetables, you need to scatter meat throughout the enclosure. 

Just like with boars, a pair of wolves will give you offspring, and you'll have as much hide as you need. 

To tame an auroch, you need to first head to the Plains. Keep in mind that these animals are significantly more dangerous than wolves and boars. We recommend building a house near the capture site. 

Why? Most likely, you will be killed by the animal multiple times. Building a pen is a futile effort, so you'll have to work hard before the animal starts obeying you. 

At the moment, that's all you can domesticate in Valheim. But it's worth noting that the game is still in early access, so we can expect many more patches and mods. 

Author: Niysha

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