Teardown Mods
Categories- 2798
- 637
- 0
Simple Explosives for Teardown allows you to set explosives and detonate them using three keys: - X: Set a bomb; - C: Detonate the set bombs; - U: Remove all set explosives.
- 3587
- 470
- 0
A small map for Teardown transports you to a location from Roblox.
- 6070
- 2066
- 0
The Mod for Teardown improves the standard sledgehammer in the game, allowing you to break most materials: including bricks and metal.
- 2098
- 483
- 0
The mod for Teardown adds a real controllable air balloon.
- 2390
- 361
- 0
Excellent mod for Teardown transports you to a cool yacht. Beautiful map, water location, yacht with all the amenities.
- 1643
- 207
- 0
You are so hot that you set fire to everything around. A simple mode that makes everything around you start to burn.
- 4035
- 1273
- 0
Visit the luxurious Lux Mare Hotel. Its rooms with beautiful interiors, various staff rooms, a huge building with its own features for all your wishes.
- 2068
- 380
- 0
Small fort, created exclusively from LEGO. Concept map for Tirdown.