Gameplay mods for Rimworld

Hardcore SK
  • 3992
  • 455
  • 0
Hardcore SK

Most modifications for Rimworld that are aimed at gameplay simplify it, breaking the balance in favor of the player. With this mod, a simple sandbox can turn into a soul-like project, thanks to which you challenge yourself. User Guide for Proper Installation: 1. Delete or move to another location all mods in the Rimworld Mods folder, except the main "Core". 2. Follow the path: For Windows users: C:\Users\your user name\AppData\LocalLow\Ludeon Studios\RimWorld\Config Windows + R button -> the "Run" dialog box will appear type%APPDATA%\..\LocalLow -> the appdata folder will open. For Linux users: /home/your user name/.config/unity3d/Ludeon Studios/RimWorld/Config. For Mac users: /Users/your user name/Library/Application Support/RimWorld/Config Delete all files that exist in this folder. And copy the new "ModsConfig.xml" which is in the root of the modpack. 3. Copy the other mods to the Rimworld Mods directory. 4. Check the mods in the game. Enjoy the hardcore!

11 feb 2021 | Ver. 5.1