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Resident Evil 3
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Resident Evil 3 Mods
Popular mods for Resident Evil 3
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- 2285
- 179
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для установки мода. - Загрузите архив и распакуйте его в папку с модами. - Запустите игру и активируйте мод. Installation: - Use fluffy mod manager to install the mod. - Download the archive and extract it to the mods folder. - Launch the game and activate the mod.
- 1494
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Mode replaces the classic Jill outfit with the fun "AlpacaLips".
- 1598
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Replaces Necalli with Sagat from the game "Street Fighter 5".
- 1424
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для изменения вывесок на здании кинотеатра на настоящие киноафиши фильмов, вышедших в 1998 году - "Armageddon", "Blade", "The Wedding Singer" и "Saving Private Ryan".
- 1505
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This mod adds the Killer7 pistol from Resident Evil 4, with a working laser sight and user statistics. Replaces L. Hawk Magnum.
- 2164
- 185
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The mod adds a new rabbit-spy costume and Ady's look for Jill.
- 1727
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Old-fashioned official agent suit for Jill. Installation: - With Fluffy Mod Manager Notes: - The archive contains versions with and without a hat, as well as color versions.
- 1480
- 190
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This mod changes the firing sounds of all CQBR rifles to the real firing sounds of the M4 from PUBG.
Resident Evil 3 - однопользовательская игра с эллементами хоррора, ремейк Resident Evil 1999 года.