People Playground Mods
Categories- 1775
- 486
- 0
Simple pack of 10 new weapons. Let's take a look at the screenshots.
- 2127
- 296
- 0
Pack of 6 new devices for torture or cruel death. All depicted on screenshots.
- 2185
- 311
- 0
The mod adds a small closed wooden boat MK.1 to the Pippl Playground.
- 1351
- 285
- 0
A mod for Pipplaysground adds a realistic and incredibly cool Ford Mustang car. Control keys: - W: start the engine; - I: forward; - K: backward. In addition, you can easily change the power of the vehicle and adjust it to your liking.
- 1952
- 365
- 0
- 1335
- 211
- 0
The People Playground mod adds a new deadly, big and heavily armed device to your game - the G-30-FF model, which has a built-in chainsaw and other types of weapons (control keys: R, T, Y, H).
- 1769
- 328
- 0
Powerful Deadly Battle Droid in People Playground.
- 4180
- 928
- 0
The mod for People Playground adds a new convenient and large bunker to your game.