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People Playground
13 with 1608 for People Playground
Devices, electronics mods for People Playground
- 1949
- 365
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- 1331
- 210
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The People Playground mod adds a new deadly, big and heavily armed device to your game - the G-30-FF model, which has a built-in chainsaw and other types of weapons (control keys: R, T, Y, H).
- 1764
- 328
- 0
Powerful Deadly Battle Droid in People Playground.
- 3125
- 1073
- 0
The mod for Pipplaysground adds a small helicopter MH-6 "Little Bird". Only one pilot and a powerful minigun. - L - forward; - J - backward; - I - up; - K - down; - O - turn off the engine; - B - shoot from the minigun.
- 2137
- 202
- 0
Mode for PIPL Playground adds another technique from the Half-Life universe - "Juggernaut". Yes, it's a wonder controllable and armed to the teeth.
- 1719
- 433
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The mod adds another deadly mechanism to the Pippl Playground in the form of a giant walking demon! Activated by pressing the K key, using a huge sharp sword with the L key, and shooting lasers with the O key.
- 2389
- 614
- 0
The mod for People Playground adds a new, huge controllable monster named Gigatron Omega!
- 2545
- 275
- 0
The mod for People Playground adds new devices for torturing and brutal killing of NPCs.