How to defeat Venom in Marvel's Spider-Man 2

5 nov 2023 at 10:08

Venom - one of the most anticipated bosses in Marvel's Spider-Man 2, serves as the final boss. To defeat him, you need to complete the "Together" quest. The battle with this enemy is tough, as Venom has many moves and can summon symbiotes for assistance. In this guide, you will learn about the different phases of the boss fight and how to combat him.

Fighting Venom

The boss battle consists of five phases, each with its own characteristics. The enemy constantly changes his moves and can call for reinforcements.

Phase 1. Venom starts by launching powerful attacks. Four of these attacks can reduce Spider-Man's health to zero. The attacks are strong and fast, with one hit leading to chains of subsequent strikes.

In the first phase of the battle, the arena gradually shrinks. Venom creates infected patches of ground around the perimeter. If you stand on them, your health will rapidly deplete.

Phase 2. The enemy starts summoning symbiotes to assist him. These clones attack Spider-Man and hinder your approach to the boss. You need to destroy them as they appear to avoid Venom's attacks.

Phase 3. Venom gains wings and starts flying around the arena, launching long-range attacks. These attacks are fast and can disorient the hero.

In the third phase, the boss introduces a new move - the grab. He quickly moves and grabs Spider-Man, then delivers a powerful attack and throws the character away.

Phase 4. The attacks are similar to the first phase. The enemy uses powerful strikes and moves quickly around the battle arena.

Phase 5. The final phase, Peter Parker is left alone with Venom. The battle takes place in the air. This phase consists of quick-time events (QTE), where you need to press the right buttons at the right time.

Tips for Battling the Boss

  • One of the primary tactics in battling the boss is evading. Timely press the dodge button to avoid heavy attacks. Blocking does not protect against all the enemy's moves, so evasion remains the best option.
  • Do not stay in one place; the enemy will have an easier time hitting the character. Keep moving and jumping around the arena.
  • Remember to heal; when your health is low, replenish it immediately to avoid a fatal blow from the enemy.
  • Try to close the distance with the enemy and deliver combos of attacks.
  • When symbiotes appear, deal with them first before continuing the battle with Venom. Killing the clones charges your special move gauge.
  • There are cars and other items on the arena that make noise. Activate them to trigger alarms. High-frequency sound can help you in the battle against the enemy and allows you to deal with symbiotes quickly.
  • During the phase when Venom starts to fly, try to dodge projectiles. Get closer to the enemy to prevent him from using long-range attacks.
  • You can catch and redirect projectiles towards the enemy by pressing L1+R1.
Author: Hades

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