How to install the mod for Lethal Company

Installing mods for Lethal Company is an extremely straightforward process. In this guide, we'll walk through how to easily install most mods for Lethal Company. Many mods come in the form of .dll files. To work with 99% of modifications, you'll need BepInEx. After a successful installation, a folder named BepInEx/Plugins will appear in the game's root folder. Now, follow these instructions:

1) Download the mod;
2) Open the archive;
3) Move the contents of the archive to the following path: game's root folder/BepInEx/Plugins. Do this in a way that the .dll files end up in the plugins folder;
4) Launch the game;
5) If the mod supports configurations, a configuration file will appear immediately after the first launch, allowing you to change settings;
6) Play and enjoy.

If the mod requires a custom installation, this will be specified in the description.