Kenshi Mods


Beefy Hive Soldiers
  • 1825
  • 280
  • 0
Beefy Hive Soldiers

The modification is aimed at eliminating the weaknesses of the Ulf soldiers in Kenshi. However, the mod does not make the Ulf soldiers unbalanced and overly powerful. The mod grants the Ulf representatives immunity to gas and dust storms. This eliminates their main weaknesses in the late game, creating new and interesting dangerous situations! Now you can confidently rely on Ulf soldiers in your squad, rather than representatives of other races!

1 apr 2021 | Ver. 1.0
Beneficial Slave Liberation
  • 2528
  • 352
  • 0
Beneficial Slave Liberation

Are you also tired of the fact that freeing slaves in Kenshi makes no sense due to their overly low stats? Modification fixes this! Now the stats of slaves will be determined randomly, up to 15!

1 apr 2021 | Ver.
Craft and Work TOGETHER
  • 1594
  • 336
  • 0
Craft and Work TOGETHER

Now you can use crafting stations not only alone! Crafting in pairs, for example, increases the crafting speed by 2 times! In case you will craft items alone, the speed of creation will remain the same as in the regular game.

1 apr 2021 | Ver. 1.2
Recruitable Prisoners
  • 3177
  • 575
  • 0
Recruitable Prisoners

A modification for Kenshi allows you to attract slaves to your side. You can try to join prisoners to your faction as many times as you want. There are characters whose dialogue about liberation will appear randomly with a certain chance, there are those who need certain items (to have in the inventory), and with some it is very easy to agree to join your faction. If they do not join immediately, keep trying. The mod also makes some races playable for a new game, as a result of which they will be recruited, for example: dead hive, cannibals and some others.

1 apr 2021 | Ver. 85.3
Immersive non-combat animations (IN-CA)
  • 4493
  • 685
  • 0
Immersive non-combat animations (IN-CA)

Have you ever noticed that in Kenshi characters outside of battle just stand like stone bricks for 40 hours and... and nothing happens, as if it should be! This happens because there are few out-of-battle animations and they happen very quickly, literally in a few frames, or they just work crookedly. The modification is aimed to fix this! The mod fixes a large number of vanilla animations, making them more pleasant, and also adds a couple of its own!

1 apr 2021 | Ver. 2.2b
1   One-hit Deaths
  • 2237
  • 273
  • 0
1 One-hit Deaths

The craziest modification for Kenshi, allowing you to kill any creature in the game... with one lucky hit! Be almost like Saitama from One Punchman! Except that this rule applies to you too...

1 apr 2021 | Ver. 1.0
Kill Everybody
  • 5112
  • 630
  • 0
Kill Everybody

Answer: Have you ever wanted to kill someone in Kenshi? Sure, many people do, however, the game does not allow you to kill, only to knock out. This mod solves this problem. Content: The mod adds two new "Lethal Items" to the inventory of every character in the game: - "Heart" for organic life forms; - "Component" for skeletons. To kill any character in the game simply take these items from their inventory. This will immediately kill the enemy. However! "Lethal Items" are also present with recruits that are in your squad. However, if you deprive them of their heart or component, they will be fine. Again, provided that they are in your squad!

29 mar 2021 | Ver. 1.0
Adventurers Guild
  • 4186
  • 742
  • 0
Adventurers Guild

Вы наняли абсолютно всех, кто находился в баре? Устали прочёсывать каждый закоулок, в котором можно найти кого нанять? А не хотели ли бы вы, чтобы наёмники сами приходили к вам на базу, и вы могли их нанять? С данным модом для Kenshi у вас появится такая возможность! Теперь в барах появятся представители новой фракции - Гильдии искателей приключений, которые помогут вам с притоком наёмников. Как это работает? Поговорите с представителем Гильдии искателей приключений, у вас появится возможность попросить найти рекрутов. Вы можете выбирать расу наёмников, а затем заплатить, чтобы их нашли для вас. Через некоторое время после оплаты к вам на базу придёт отряд приключенцев с горящими глазами, готовыми к тому, чтобы их наняли! Как только они придут к вам на базу, всё что вам останется сделать - нанять каждого по отдельности! Будьте внимательны: - Не запрашивайте представителей одной и той же расы несколько раз, пока не прибыл отряд с первого запроса. Такая процедура перепишет первый запрос и вам придётся ждать заново; - Убедитесь, что ваша база активна; - Пожалуйста, возводите базы там, где реально выжить, иначе отряд может просто погибнуть по пути к вам, либо же, все просто разбегутся, т.к. никто не хочет умирать.

29 mar 2021 | Ver. 1.0.0