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Best weapons in Helldivers 2
Your success in battle and mission completion depends on the type of gun you choose. Different types of automatons require different kinds of weapons, each with its own characteristics and functionality. In this guide, we've compiled a list of the best weapons in Helldivers 2 with descriptions of their usage, advantages, and disadvantages.
Top Weapons in Helldivers 2

You can acquire new weapons in Helldivers 2 through several main methods: with credits in the store, with super credits (premium), and with medals. These are three currencies that players receive for various activities.
- Regular credits - universal currency for any activities and achievements;
- Super credits - premium currency issued for progress in the premium merit system;
- Medals - currency issued for special merits: completing missions, research, additional quests, etc.
Some types of weapons can be obtained as a random drop, which disappears immediately after completing the mission.
PLAS-1 "Scorcher"

PLAS-1 "Scorcher" - the best weapon for dealing massive area damage. A versatile gun suitable for most types of automatons: from light to armored vehicles. It can serve as an alternative to a rocket launcher. The only downside is that it takes some getting used to, and it's best to wield it after mastering the basic arsenal and other types of weapons. If used improperly, it's easy to shoot in the wrong direction and hit, for example, your teammates.
SG-225 "Breaker"

SG-225 "Breaker" - a rapid-fire shotgun with high damage, perfect for battling crowds. It's only suitable for light armor and won't stand up to particularly powerful automatons. Use it in battles at close-medium range and against a large number of enemies. The downside is frequent reloading. Cost: 20 medals.
JAR-5 "Dominator"

JAR-5 "Dominator" - a gun with tremendous damage that can be used against most enemies available in the game. It penetrates medium and heavy armor. The downside is a small magazine and significant recoil. However, it's easy to get used to considering the usefulness and power of the weapon. Cost: 80 medals.
P-19 "Redeemer"

P-19 "Redeemer" - one of the best basic weapons available in the game. It's a submachine gun with high damage but a small magazine.
R63 "Diligence" and R63 "Diligence Counter Sniper"

R63 "Diligence" and R63 "Diligence Counter Sniper" - one gun in two different variations. Both have high damage and are suitable for defense. With it, the player is better off taking a specific position and shooting enemies from a distance. The sniper version (Counter Sniper) is effective against armored enemies but weak in battles against groups of enemies. Cost: 8 medals.
AR-23P "Liberator Penetrator"

AR-23P "Liberator Penetrator" - a high-damage assault rifle. Equipped with an optical sight. Suitable against armored automatons. Cost: 40 medals.

LAS-5 "SCYTHE" - an energy laser weapon with high damage, penetration, and infinite ammo. Despite the last advantage, the weapon has a significant limitation - pauses due to weapon overheating. After prolonged firing, you need to wait for the gun to cool down before continuing to shoot. The downside is minor, but it's worth considering in battles with large enemy crowds, where there's simply no time for long breaks. Cost: 30 medals.
MP-98 "Knight"

MP-98 "Knight" - a high-damage submachine gun. Suitable for close-range combat. It's best used not as a primary weapon but as a secondary weapon that you can pull out in case enemies get too close. It performs excellently in its main task.
SMG-37 "Defender"

SMG-37 "Defender" - a submachine gun that pierces light armor. Like the MP-98 "Knight", it's best suited as a secondary weapon in emergency situations. Disadvantages include moderate damage and low rate of fire. Cost: 15 medals.
P-2 "Peacemaker"

P-2 "Peacemaker" - another option for secondary weapons with high damage. The magazine holds 15 rounds, and the reload is fast, making it suitable for responding to closely approaching enemies.
Choose weapons for battle based on two main categories: primary and secondary. The former you will use most of the time, dealing primary damage. The latter is auxiliary weapons useful for quick shooting in case something happens to your primary gun.
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