Basic Diona Build in Genshin Impact

11 aug 2021 at 9:27

Diona is an underrated character in "Genshin Impact." She can fulfill multiple roles in a team and be an excellent secondary character.

Diona is a 4-star Cryo user who can both heal and provide shielding. Having both of these abilities in one character is rare in Genshin Impact. Her Elemental Skill creates a shield, while her Elemental Burst periodically heals nearby characters.

While she doesn't have the strongest shield or the best healing, you can still make Diona a worthy defender in Genshin Impact with the right build.

Best F2P Build for Diona in Genshin Impact

All of Diona's abilities scale with her maximum HP. This makes the build easier since there is no shortage of HP artifacts in the game.

Her shield strength and healing scale with her maximum HP. Therefore, using Sands of Eon, Goblet, and Circlet with HP as the main stat would be most beneficial for her.

As for weapons, any bow with Energy Recharge as a substat will allow her to heal more frequently.

Best F2P Weapons for Diona in Genshin Impact

Many 4-star bows are a great fit for Diona's playstyle. As for 3-star bows, the Recurve Bow is a suitable option, but I recommend refraining from using it if you have one of the following weapons:

The Stringless
  • Base ATK: 565
  • Secondary Stat: +30.6% Energy Recharge

It works great for a shield-focused build. After using her Elemental Skill, The Stringless has a high chance of energy recharge. When combined with an energy recharge substat, this allows Diona to constantly use her skills and Elemental Burst, providing consistent shielding and healing.

Favonius Warbow
  • Base ATK: 454
  • Secondary Stat: +61.3% Energy Recharge

It works great for a build focused on energy regeneration. The crazy energy recharge from the Favonius Warbow allows Diona to use her Elemental Burst more frequently. However, with this bow, you can comfortably focus on increasing her HP.

If you don't have any of these weapons, the Slingshot is also a viable option.

Best Artifacts for Diona in Genshin Impact

As discussed earlier, HP artifacts will significantly enhance Diona's healing and shielding capabilities. I recommend focusing on obtaining HP% and Energy Recharge%.

  • 2-piece Maiden Beloved + 2-piece Resolution of Sojourner

This set can greatly enhance Diona's healing power. The 2-piece Maiden Beloved increases the character's HP by 20%, amplifying her shield and HP regeneration. The 2-piece set from the second artifact provides an additional 20% energy recharge, allowing Diona to heal more frequently.

  • 2-piece Maiden Beloved + 2-piece Viridescent Venerer

An alternative option for those who have no issues with energy recharge. The first set increases the character's healing effectiveness by 15%. 

  • 4-piece Viridescent Venerer is also a good option, depending on your goals.

For more information on Diona's advantages and who to pair her with in a team, read here.

Author: Niysha

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