How to get and how the Crystalfly Trap works in Genshin Impact

24 aug 2023 at 22:30

The introduction will start with a question - who doesn't need condensed resin? Of course, many players have grown accustomed to the ability of long-term storage of this invaluable currency for dungeon runs and other activities. Among the crafting components, apart from the main one, there is also the Crystalfly Core. They don't always come in sufficient quantities (the eternal problem of scarcity), so the recently added item is just right. In this guide, we will examine how to obtain the Crystalfly Trap and its real utility.

How to Obtain the Crystalfly Trap in Genshin Impact

This official gadget is obtained at the third level of Fontaine Reputation. Moreover, it's given in a ready-to-use form, without the need to construct anything at the forge based on a diagram.

How to Use the Crystalfly Trap in Genshin Impact

You'll find the item in the "Tools"  tab in your inventory. Then, equip and install it at the location of the Crystalfly (i.e., if you insert the device in a random place, don't expect resources). Before capturing, the trap needs to be loaded with ore - all suitable ores are shown in the screenshot below.  

You can track the location of the Trap using the marker on the map.

You're allowed to rearrange the trap as many times as you want, but you won't get more Crystalfly Cores. 

By the way, the limit is 15 pieces per week, and you can't retrieve them before the expiration date. The cooldown for placing it also lasts for one week (similar to the Parametric Transformer).

Is the Crystalfly Trap Useful in Genshin Impact?

As the sole source of cores - not particularly. If you're a fan of resin recrafting, don't expect the daily 4 cores. Basic math reveals a gap of as many as 13 pieces between the number you've processed and what you need.

As an additional tool (assuming you're accustomed to running routes every couple of days) - it's more than reasonable. Passive farming has never been and will never be excessive.

I hope this article was useful for you. Good luck! Thanks to Jeremy Hooi for the screenshots.

Author: Niysha

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