Genshin Impact Adventurer's Camp Furniture Set: Where to Get a Sturdy Pine Fence.

1 may 2021 at 11:36

Drawing of a sturdy pine fence - is an item necessary to complete the camp furniture set of adventurers. However, even in such a simple task there are its difficulties. This fence is not available and is not sold by ordinary furniture sellers.

In this guide we will tell you how and where to buy a sturdy pine fence. Let's go!

Where to buy a sturdy pine fence in Genshin Impact?

In order to get the drawing of a sturdy pine fence in Genshin Impact, you need to catch the Wandering Spirit. This seller only comes on weekends, and in more detail about the Wandering Merchant we told in this guide. 

So why do you need a fence at all? Well, a sturdy fence in Genshin Impact is an essential component of the camp furniture set for the traveler's camp. This set adds you points to the adepts strength indicator. Adepts strength increases the level of trust of adepts, which in turn gives cool rewards such as new items, furniture, abode treasures, and so on.

Remember, the Wandering Spirit sells goods for money, like ordinary sellers. That is why do not forget to save up a little money.
Author: Niysha

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