Give Hilichurl a pick-me-up in Genshin Impact - Day 3 "Catch Me If You Can".

29 may 2021 at 11:56

On the third day of the event  "Catch Me If You Can" players will meet with Hilichurl, deprived of sleep. This poor guy just seems to need a little sleep, but he wants to give us information about the Unbalanced Hilichurl if we enter into a mutual exchange with him. 

As always, he speaks in Hilichurlian, so we will have to figure it all out ourselves. In this guide we will tell you what item the sleepy Hilichurl needs in Genshin Impact.

What does the phrase Celi Lata mean?

On day 3 players go through most of the quest before encountering the strange phrase, in this case "Celi Lata". Celi Lata translates to "something that gives light without heat", so players will have to give Hilichurl some items that match this description. 

So what in Genshin Impact gives light without heat? We gave him some Lamp Grass and it worked (second item from the left in the bottom row on the screenshot). To find this item, head to the area between Springvale and Wolvendom - there will be plenty of this grass there.

Author: Niysha

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