5 Best Genshin Impact Characters for the Abyss in June 2021

23 jun 2021 at 11:01

The Spiral Abyss is currently the most challenging area in Genshin Impact, presenting a significant difficulty to players.

In this article, we will discuss 5 characters that can greatly alleviate the difficulties and are worth bringing to the Spiral Abyss. Let's get started.

Top 5 Characters for the Spiral Abyss in Genshin Impact (ready squad)

The Spiral Abyss regularly updates in Genshin Impact with new monsters and challenges, so the abilities of the aforementioned characters may become outdated over time. Additionally, the mentioned order does not indicate any ranking; you can freely swap any of the roles (support, DPS, etc.) with other well-equipped characters.


Anemo Archon is a true professional when it comes to crowd control. With his Elemental Burst, he can summon a massive Stormeye that pulls nearby enemies towards a specific location, allowing for easy simultaneous attacks on all of them.

In combination with this ability, he consistently deals Anemo damage and triggers reactions with other elements, causing swirl damage. After the Elemental Mastery buff in the 1.6 update, Venti has become even more powerful. All these factors combined result in significant damage to enemies, making him an excellent character for many Abyss floors.


Zhongli is one of the coolest characters. The Geo Archon can provide your squad with an extremely durable shield in critical situations. Currently, the hero's shield is the strongest in Genshin Impact, offering significant advantages to players in the Spiral Abyss when facing multiple attacking bosses simultaneously.

In addition to providing reliable protection, the shield also prevents the character from being staggered during enemy attacks. Zhongli's Elemental Burst literally summons a meteor in a wide AoE, causing the enemy to freeze and dealing massive Geo damage. In conclusion, Zhongli truly lives up to his Archon title, making your gameplay much easier with his presence.


The Shy Alchemist can create a large wind spirit that can pull and launch nearby enemies with her Elemental Skill, similar to Anemo Hypostasis. If Sucrose is stacked with enough Elemental Mastery, the large wind spirit can trigger Swirl reactions with any element it comes into contact with.

Sucrose can share Elemental Mastery with teammates and debuff enemies when paired with a set of 4 pieces of Viridescent Venerer, allowing players to deal maximum elemental reaction damage.


With the highest base ATK, Xiao is undoubtedly a powerful character in Genshin Impact, even with zero constellations. The 5-star Anemo character possesses exceptional mobility and profound offensive skills, making him one of the best DPS for quick and strong attacks.

Author: Niysha

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