Top 5 Secret Achievements in Genshin Impact 2.2: 1. Reach Adventure Rank 40 2. Complete the Archon Quest "The Chalk Prince and the Dragon" 3. Collect all Anemoculus and Geoculus 4. Unlock all Statues of the Seven 5. Complete all World Quests and Domains

27 oct 2021 at 9:50

Secret Achievements in Genshin Impact are always easy to come by. In this guide, we'll tell you about 5 of the easiest hidden achievements in Genshin Impact version 2.2. Let's get started!

Secret Achievements in Genshin Impact 2.2

5) Tale of Two Cities

To complete this achievement, you need to complete the quest "Octavo Mashiro" and obtain a special Feather. You need to go to the cave you had to pass through during the aforementioned quest and activate the feather. The exact location is:

Once you activate the feather, the wall with the drawing will disappear and you will be able to get the hidden achievement + a hidden electrocul.

4) Guess the Word

On the island of Sirukuro there is a series of puzzles with torches. These three puzzles are easy to solve if the player knows where to find them and in what order. The solution can be seen here:

3) Ghostly Achievement

To unlock this achievement, you simply need to talk to one of the nine ghosts on the island of Tsurumaru, in our case with Kito and Kana. How to complete the tasks and where to find Kito and Kana read here.

2) My Life as an Adventurer

This achievement can be unlocked by completing the quest "The Adventures of the Forgetful King". To get it, you need to complete the entire line of world quest "Through the Mist".

1) Further Than the Eye Can See

You will get this achievement when you complete the tasks and talk to all 9 ghosts. Good luck!

Author: Niysha

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