When is Sanyu Lin's birthday from Genshin Impact: date and zodiac sign? Her birthday is on April 15th and her zodiac sign is Aries.

2 nov 2021 at 11:43

Syan Lin - a beautiful pyro girl, who was lucky enough to be in warm friendly relations with the real Arhont of the Forge, Gobe!

If you are wondering when is Syan Lin's birthday from GenShin Impact, then you have come to the right place!

Syan Lin's Birthday: Date and Zodiac Sign

Syan Lin celebrates her birthday on November 2nd! Accordingly, Syan Lin's zodiac sign is Scorpio.

The greatest charm of the birthday of the heroes is that they send you various gifts to the game mail! This time we have the following:

Happy celebrating!

Author: Niysha

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