The secret of the game Deathloop: how to answer all of Yerwa's questions

16 sep 2021 at 11:57

The release of the game Deathloop took place on September 14, 2021. Some lucky ones have already had the opportunity to experience this interesting project, while others are yet to do so. However, you can already familiarize yourself with some peculiarities of the game. For example, during the dark hours, you can go to Karl's Bay and see how it temporarily transforms into an entertainment zone, thanks to the efforts of Charlie. 

You can play several interesting mini-games here. And if you win in all of them, you can unlock a unique achievement called "Charlie Montegru's Game."

However, it is quite challenging to accomplish. Once you reach Karl's Bay, you need to exit the bunker through the door on the left and overcome a fence. After that, you should head towards the arch with monitors, and if you observe closely, you can spot two enemies studying a box. 

It is better not to interrupt them but instead wait to see what happens. The following will occur: the box will explode, and the protagonist will be able to approach and see a corner building from the side. Inside, there is a vending machine called "Yerva." You need to approach it and start interacting with the monitor. Using the buttons, you must select the correct answers.

In the end, the player will have to provide the correct answers to ten questions from the "Yerva" vending machine. The questions are always the same, but the sequence in which they are asked to the player may vary. The correct answers themselves remain unchanged. So, to complete this task, it is sufficient to familiarize yourself with this guide. It contains all possible questions and the correct answers to them:

Where did these unusual names come from? The correct answer is option #5: "They are related to lost fishing settlements."
What did they name their doomed project? You should choose answer #3: "Operation Horizon."
 What is the goal of the program? Here, too, you should select option #3: "Expanding human capabilities and achieving enlightenment."
Who landed on the island and awakened it? "Colt Vahn and Egor Sterling during an expedition" - this answer is correct and is listed as option 2.
Which masterpiece towers above all the other works of art on the island? In this case, you should choose answer #7: "The nose, chin, and eyes of Charlie Montegue."
How did our keychains and ingots come into being? And here, the correct option is #7: "Wengzi."
But what was it before the program even started? To avoid any mistakes, you should select option #3: "A military airbase."
What will we see when the fog dissipates? Answer: "The Great Beyond." Option #4.
From what seed sprouted the "AEON" program? The correct answer is quite lengthy: "The common aspirations of Harriet Morse, Egor Sterling, and Dr. Wenjie Evans" - option #6.
What gave the island its name? We choose answer #8: "Coastal clusters of coral."

Congratulations! You managed to answer correctly and obtain a valuable achievement!

Author: admin

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